Effectively Communicate with Borrowers Using an Auto Loan Collection System

Auto Loan Collection System Strategizes Borrower Communications

As an auto lender or insurance company, one of the greatest challenges you face is risk management. The reliability of your borrowers is not always guaranteed and if they are late or delinquent on their car loan payments, you have the potential to lose significant profits. So, how can you best mitigate this risk to […]

Loan Management System: The Next Step After a Loan Origination System


When borrowers apply for a loan at your auto dealership, your loan origination system can be a useful tool for setting up their account and processing their application. However, once this is complete and your borrowers drive off the lot, this system is not equipped to provide long-term loan services to help with communications, risk […]

Our Best in Industry Auto Insurance Tracking Technology


If you are an auto dealer, auto lender or insurance company, one of the best decisions you can make for your business is to invest in auto insurance tracking. It not only helps to increase your profits and mitigate risk, but it allows you to effectively track insurance coverage, automate your customer communications, easily store […]

How to Properly Maximize Your Auto Loan Collection System


With modern technology constantly evolving and adapting it’s led to a massive uptick in automation. Seemingly every industry now utilizes automation within the day-to-day functions of their business. Yet, the industry that has really seen a significant boost from automation has been the auto industry thanks to the powers of an auto loan collection system […]

Key Differences Between a Loan Management System and Dealer Management System


Today, the overwhelming majority of new car buyers set up their financing through a dealership, which in turn forces lenders to search for the right dealer management system (DMS) to handle all of their business needs. However, as your business grows so does your list of needs and expenses. A dealer management system still might […]

What is an Auto Loan Management System (LMS)?


Today, many auto lenders use an auto loan management system that is inadequate when it comes to properly managing their loans. If a loan management system is lacking important features, lenders run the risk of making mistakes through inefficiencies and late payments—not to mention an increased insurance risk. As a lender, you know that most […]

Loan Management System (LMS) for Auto Finance Companies

loan management system

After an auto loan is originated, most of the profit for a lender is received throughout the term of the loan. This is based on interest and steady payments. However, making sure to collect all the payments with interest and know the car is always insured is not an easy task which leads to a […]

Bankruptcy Search and Bankruptcy Monitoring for Auto Lenders


When a borrower files for bankruptcy, lenders suddenly find themselves competing with other creditors trying to recover any portion of the borrower’s limited funds. In most cases, the lender is left wondering if, and when, they’ll ever recover their debt, and if so, how much can they possibly get back?

Game-Changing Software Makes Auto Insurance Tracking Easy

auto insurance tracking

As an auto lender or dealer, you must take the correct steps involving auto insurance tracking. If one of your borrowers doesn’t have proper car insurance and they are involved in an accident, your company is now at risk. Auto insurance tracking is tedious. From keeping up with your portfolio to contacting every borrower, there […]

What is Lender Placed Insurance?

lender placed insurance

Despite its importance, many drivers in the United States do not have auto insurance. When a borrower leaves a dealership, they might have car insurance at that moment, but due to difficulties in payment, they could end up allowing it to lapse leaving the lender’s collateral unprotected. Auto insurance prices have skyrocketed making it more […]